March 23, 2011


READING: Assigned reading pages for each lit. circle
WTW: Define the following words, plus choose 5 of your own to define.
season, steady, feather, increase, healthy
5H - 8.3
5P - 8.2

March 22, 2011

And the Winner is........

George Petrov! Congrats to George who had the fastest time today in the WTW Speed Sort Olympics! He beat he competition by doing the sort in 39 seconds! Will he have any competition? Stay tuned!


READING: Assigned lit. circle pages
WTW: 2 timed speed sorts! Write it in your assignment book
MATH: 5K - 2 review pages
5H - 8.2
5P - 8.1, math journal pg. 280-81
SCIENCE: Begin studying for test on THURSDAY!


Sorry for the repeat with the literature circles info. I didn't think it posted the first time I did it. Still learning :)

Literature Circles

Which book is your child reading? Check assignment books each night for assigned reading pages. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR KIDS TO BRING THEIR BOOK HOME EACH NIGHT AND RETURN IT TO SCHOOL THE FOLLOWING DAY. PLEASE HELP REMIND THEM! Thank you.

We are reding the following books:

The BFG by Roald Dahl
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Charlie's Raven by Jean Craighead George
Flying Solo by Ralph Fletcher


I will collect March reading logs on Friday, 3/25. Make sure the log is completed and turned in. :)

Literature Circle Books!

Which book is your child reading in literature circles? Check their assignment notebook each night to see the assigned reading!

We are reading the following books:

A Wrinkle in Time
Eseranza Rising
Flying Solo
Charlie's Raven

March 21, 2011


Happy Spring! Here is a glimpse of homework today:

Reading: Assigned pages from literature circle novels

WTW: Sort 21 - Put words in ABC/ZYX order

Science: Chapter 8 test WEDNESDAY (will complete study guide Tuesday in class and reread chapter.)

Math: 5K - Practice sheet 9 (-) only
5H - 8.1, journal page
5P - None

March 16, 2011

What's Up in 5K?

We made weather vanes today! The kids measured, cut, and assembled a weather vane. Tomorrow we will take them outside and determine which way the wind is blowing!

Speaking of science......don't forget to study for the quiz on atmosphere! Know the 5 layers, how many miles in each layer, and what kinds of things occur in each layer. Good luck!

Thanks to Katie B. today who showed 5K how she Irish dances! Wow! She even brought the music and her shoes. Best 'O Luck with your performances tomorrow, Katie!!

That's it for today. I hope you get outside to enjoy the weather. Spring is in the air!!


Congrats to those kids who participated in the Reflections program; Sara D., Katie B., Carly C., Sudeep A., Andrew E.. Hope I didn't forget anyone! :)

March 15, 2011

Important Dates

Check with your child to keep up on the several due dates this week.

1. Read literature circle books by Wed., 3/16
2. Science quiz on Thurs., 5 layers of the atmosphere
3. Complete the literature circle extension by Fri., 3/18
4. Personal expository due Fri., 3/18

Hope you're having a good week :)

Suggested Web sites

Check out for lots of fun math practice!
Check Clow Schoolbag for links to many educational web sites
Look here each week for updates & assignments! This is a new journey for me. I hope you find it helpful. Thank you for visiting!